Your website is your digital storefront, and it’s the first interaction with your business and your customers. In order to impress your customers and inspire them to take the desired action, your site requires regular updates.

30 day money-back guarantee

and the most flexible plans in the industry

We offer this service for maintaining, improving, and supporting your business or eCommerce website performances and security.


Basic Plan


Pro Plan


Premium Plan


Security Check

Hosting maintenance

WordPress + Plugin & Theme upgrades

Checking Error logs

Uptime check monitoring of the website

Domain renewal check

Full backup of your site - Monthly

Broken Links Scan

Dedicated Firewalls

Downtime Report

Hosting Email Errors

Standard Website and Email Options

Page changes and additions

Website Facelifts and Makeovers

Cloudflare Enterprise CDN

Product changes and additions

Add breaking news or upcoming events

Support Tab

Annual Search Engine Analysis Report

Blog Posting with or without Images

Add Photos, Graphics, Charts, and Graphs

Comment Monitoring

SEO Services

Basic Plan


Pro Plan


Premium Plan


Security Check

Hosting maintenance

WordPress + Plugin & Theme upgrades

Checking Error logs

Uptime check monitoring of the website

Domain renewal check

Full backup of your site - Monthly

Broken Links Scan

Dedicated Firewalls

Downtime Report

Hosting Email Errors

Standard Website and Email Options

Page changes and additions

Website Facelifts and Makeovers

Cloudflare Enterprise CDN

Product changes and additions

Add breaking news or upcoming events

Support Tab

Annual Search Engine Analysis Report

Blog Posting with or without Images

Add Photos, Graphics, Charts, and Graphs

Comment Monitoring

SEO Services


Admextech has developed an affordable monthly WordPress Website Maintenance and Management plans for small and medium businesses. Our monthly WordPress Website Maintenance plans provide our clients with a dedicated technical team for a few bucks a day; a small investment that provides a huge return on investment.

Your Extended Support Team

Admextech’s monthly WordPress maintenance plans allow our clients to have a reliable partner that is available by phone or via e-mail. We answer to all your WordPress support related inquiries as per our SLA with our clients. For Clients with mission critical business, we also provide 7 days a week support.

Protection 24/7/365

All Admextech WordPress maintenance plans provide our clients with protection against malware and hack attacks. In the event of an unlikely hack attack, Admextech technical team will ensure your WordPress website is restored asap.

Regular Backups & Restore

Admextech support team takes regular backups of your WordPress websites, so in case of a hack-attempt or malware injection, we can quickly restore your website.

Up to Date WordPress (CMS) & Plugins

Admextech’s WordPress website maintenance team ensures WordPress (CMS) as well as all plug-ins are kept up to date and compatible with your WordPress website.

Regular Content Update

Content is the king. Google and other search engines rate WordPress websites on many criteria; however, content is the most critical of all. For good Search Engine Ranking, WordPress websites need to be updated on a regular basis. Admextech works with Clients and updates WordPress website regularly by adding blog posts, updating images, adding videos and other content on your WordPress websites to drive Search Engine Ranking.

Google Analytics Set-up

We include Google analytics setup & monitoring for all our WordPress Clients. This not only allows us to collect useful data, but it also allows us to work together and make necessary changes to your WordPress websites as needed to ensure your online success.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console setup & monitoring allows us to monitor, maintain and troubleshoot our client’s WordPress websites to ensure Search Engine Ranking.

On-Page Optimization

All Admextech’s monthly WordPress Websites maintenance plans include on-page optimization. Proper on-page with right coverage not only optimizes the individual web page, but it also ranks it higher and drives more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page done right helps tremendously with organic ranking and driving traffic to our client’s WordPress websites.

Frequently Asked Questions

Website Maintenance really means pro-active risk management. Regular website maintenance ensures all codes are running, Content Management System (CMS) is up to date, all security patches have been applied to secure sites against hack attacks, regular site back-ups have been taken, any malware and SQL injections are removed from the website, etc. etc.

Website maintenance is critical as technology is moving very fast nowadays! With security breaches daily, it’s important to ensure your website stays current on security patches to avoid any security vulnerability issues.

Furthermore, regular website maintenance not only monitors performance and ensures user experience, but it also avoids any downtime.

Admextech’s  monthly website maintenance plans vary from client to client since every company has specific goals and objectives when it comes to their websites. Our website maintenance packages are very elaborative in terms of what they include. Call us and we will walk you through these packages, so you can make an informed decision regarding selecting a package that is best for your needs.

Admextech’s  monthly website maintenance plan vary from client to client since every company have specific goals and objectives. Our website maintenance packages start at only $99/Month. Contact us, and we will help you select the best maintenance plan based on your specific business needs.

Admextech understands that our client’s business needs may change overtime and hence we allow cancelling or changing maintenance package. Admextech requires a 3 month notice for all cancellations as our monthly plans are often invoiced quarterly.

Admextech understands that our client’s business needs may change overtime and hence we allow changing maintenance package. Any package upgrade can be accommodated right away with a pro-ration on the monthly package. Any downgrade of a monthly maintenance package takes effect at a next billing cycle.

Admextech’s monthly website maintenance plan are either invoiced quarterly or yearly depending on customers preference. For clients that have also signed up for digital marketing, Search Engine optimization and or social media design and marketing, Website maintenance can be combined and invoiced monthly. We try to be flexible and align our invoicing with our clients budgeting guidelines. Contact with us to discuss your specific invoicing needs.

For those clients who pay for maintenance annually, Admextech provides a discount equivalent to a “Free One Month” Support. Basically, client’s get 12 months of support for the price of 11 months.